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Unique & Powerful Tarot Card Reading Course

Unique & Powerful Tarot Card Reading Course

If you are willing to bring your Tarot Card reading level to professional level, having direct SHORTCUTS and SECRETS of becoming a Powerful Tarot Reader, either for fun or making money right after - THIS IS FOR YOU! 

This Tarot Card Reading Course offers you the opportunity to learn from Myself, Aya – Arrow Sister. I began to use Tarot professionally a few years ago. Now when I realized how powerful it was, how it helped people see very clearly what was happening in their lives, why and where it might possibly lead. I am a reader with years of learning behind my readings and teachings and with a gift of being able to break down complex information into manageable and practical ways of understanding.  I can show you how to unlock your spiritual potential and instinctively read the Tarot. 

There is no magic in the Tarot cards, but the symbols contained within each card, connects to a facet of human life that everyone can relate to. The power of the Tarot lies in its ability to offer significant direction, and in this Tarot Card Reading Course, you’ll venture into the world of symbolism, so that you’re able to answer life’s questions, and find meaning in the direction you are taking.

Why spend hours, weeks and even months reading books trying to learn how to read the Tarot cards? You’ll also share your experiences with others, and the more ideas everyone has, the more you gain from this powerful Tarot Card Reading Course.

Online Tarot Card Reading Course with me is designed for beginners and accomplished readers.


By signing up for Tarot Card Reading Course, you will get:
•    Hand-out materials of learning material at home, guide for in-depth card meanings;
•    an in-depth examination of the four suites, court cards and Major Arkana cards;
•    detailed meanings for each 78 cards - general, love, career, finance;
•    how to interpret conflicting cards;
•    a variety of spiritual and practical layouts, practices;
•    steps to strengthen your intuition when reading;
•    guidance and practical exercise of 1-3 card readings, getting spreads for work; relationship, decision making, financial questions; As well as more complicated tarot spreads up to 30 cards. 
•    practical steps for cleansing cards, connecting and preparing for the card readings.

•    tarot card reading course consist of 7 pre-recorded theory vides + 3 Individual Zoom meetings with ME + 1 Bonus Follow up session (optional); 

•    all 11 sessions are around 2 hours, supported with handout materials as Tarot Manual and Workbook and additional practical excercises & videos. 


This is fast and fun way to learn tarot cards with indivudual approach, teaching and assistance! 

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